Kicking the Bummed out Funk…

The past few weeks have been pretty emotionally challenging for me. No one reason, but I have had some pretty awesome times, I have had a blast and hung out with some pretty cool people and I continue to live a life I could only have dreamed of when I took the risk of coming to Nashville almost seven years ago. But with those times, I have also had some pretty shitty moments. One of the biggest is the inability to share all the exciting times with my grandmother or my parents. I have also made mistakes, been a jerk and simply done some stupid things. Those didn’t help with the emotional roller coaster.

I think everything got to me because over the past few days I have been really bummed out. When I went to bed last night I had every intention of staying there all day today, and furthermore most of the week. I didn’t have the desire to do anything but lie around and feel sorry for myself. Being someone who has a life-long goal of being a motivator, this is not cool. Although I fail over and over, I strive to lead by example with a positive attitude and desire to constantly inspire great things to happen. This was one of those times of total failure… Once again, this didn’t help my bummed out attitude.

The realization came this morning of what I was doing, not only to myself, but to those around me. Waking up, realizing the sun was bright and shining and I was missing on a possible opportunity to make something great happen. I needed a huge attitude check. I’m surrounded by nothing but great. Great friends. Great co-workers. Great job. Great roof over my head. There is no reason for me to be lying in bed, feeling sorry for myself.

If you’re still reading this and not really pissed because it has seemed like a pity party, thanks. I’m not looking for re-assurance. I’m not looking for anyone to tell me I’m over-reacting so I would ‘feel better’ about myself. But rather I’m explaining all of this because when I made the decision that I wanted to be a motivational speaker, I also made the decision to share my struggles, my mistakes and my problems with the hope of helping someone else.

Remember that we are all human. We are going to have good moments, and we are going to have really crappy ones. We are going to do great things, and we are going to make stupid mistakes. We are going to have a killer day, but then allow one stupid thing get us down at the end. It seems like a never-ending cycle.

If this sounds like you at all, I challenge you to give yourself an attitude check. Sulk for a little while, own up to your mistakes, but when you wake up tomorrow realize it’s a brand new day. Know that you are on this earth for a reason and it’s your job to figure out what that reason is. It’s your job to take your talents and make great things happen. It’s your job to be great. Don’t allow the shitty times to detour you from your job, or from your life.

If you think this is impossible, I understand! I’ve been there too. But give this one week and see the change within you. For every negative thought, force yourself to have 2 positive ones. For every ‘bummed out’ moment, go have some fun. You may have to fake it at first, but soon enough it will be who you are. Find an outlet for your emotions, whether friends, family, pet, or tree. Yell, scream, cuss all you want, but remember, tomorrow is a band new day.

It’s your brand new day to kick the funk.

It’s your brand new day to be yourself.

It’s your brand new day to make something great happen.

It’s your brand new day to begin leaving your legacy.

It’s your brand new day to enjoy the ride.

You kick ass! Don’t let some rough patches stop you from realizing this.